More from the Wood Floor
I spent the whole of last weekends free time, rummaging around in the wood floor at Ramsdown Forest, looking for more springtails and other small things that live there. The leaf litter and under rotting sticks and logs is where I search for these creatures, and they are there in numbers – even if they do take some spotting at first.
Like last week I found some globular springtails again to photograph – and this time video!
As well as these, I came across what I think is a type of centipede, beetle larvae and mating wolf spiders.
Firstly onto the video – which I took on my Canon 5d MkIV at 4k. I used my Canon MPE-65mm as the lens at around 3x magnification. I supported the camera and lens on some foam material that I had handy to steady the video. I used some LED lights to put some light on the subjects.
Next up the best of the stills I took of the globular springtails.

Dicyrtoma fusca

Dicyrtomina saundersi

In the globby countryside

One step forward

Just globbing along

Woah that looks steep

Mind the Globby Gap

Wee purple one

Surfin Globby A

The mean one

Along the woodcliff

Globby close!

Heading for the hole ?
And now their relations – firstly head on – an elongated bodied Springtail.

Elongated Looking at you
And side on.

Elongated bodied Springtail
The first other interesting thing that I came across apart from the springtails was this beetle larvae. Which I firstly took a 3 image stack of, which I processed later in Photoshop.

Beetle Larvae Stack
And then took 5 images in a panorama ( higher magnification – so more frames to get it all in) which I also processed in Photoshop CC.

Beetle Larvae MacroPano
Onto this centipede, at least that is what I thought it was – firstly a stack (of 4 images) processed in Helicon Focus.

Centipede Head
And another processed in Photoshop CC (8 images).

Centipede Stack
And Finally this composite (stacked) image of mating Wolf Spiders. Processed in Helicon Focus ( 7 images )

Mating Wolf Spiders